Black Ops 4 October 29 Update – New Patch, Black Market Changes, And More

// initialize jwplayer var playerInstance = jwplayer('player');// player dom elements var playerContainerEl = document.querySelector('.player-container');// returns video player position from top of document function getElementOffsetTop(el) { var boundingClientRect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var bodyEl = document.body; var docEl = document.documentElement; var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || docEl.scrollTop || bodyEl.scrollTop; var clientTop = docEl.clientTop || bodyEl.clientTop || 0; return Math.round( + scrollTop - clientTop); }// returns the current y scroll position function getScrollTop() { var docEl = document.documentElement; return (window.pageYOffset || docEl.scrollTop) - (docEl.clientTop || 0); }// configure jwplayer instance playerInstance.setup({ autostart: true, playlist: '', primary: 'html5', setFullscreen: true, width: '100%' });// when jwplayer instance is ready playerInstance.on('ready', function() { var config = playerInstance.getConfig(); var utils = playerInstance.utils; // get height of player element var playerHeight = config.containerHeight; // flag determining whether close has been clicked var closed = true; // CHANGED // flag determing whether player is playing var playing = false; // ADDED // eventhandler for when close button is being pressed document.getElementsByClassName('icon-close')[0].addEventListener('click', () => { closed = true; onScrollViewHandler(); }); playerInstance.on('play', function() { closed = false; playing = true; // ADDED }).on('pause', function () { playing = false; // ADDED }).on('adPlay', function() { closed = false; // ADDED playing = true; // ADDED }).on('adPause', function() { playing = false; // ADDED });// get player element position from top of document var playerOffsetTop = getElementOffsetTop(playerContainerEl);// set player container to match height of actual video element = playerHeight + 'px';// below we handle window scroll event without killing performance function onScrollViewHandler() { var minimized = getScrollTop() >= playerOffsetTop;if (closed && minimized) { minimized = false; jwplayer().pause(); playing = false; // ADDED } else if (!minimized && !playing) { closed = true; // ADDED } utils.toggleClass(playerContainerEl, 'player-minimize', minimized); // update the player's size so the controls are adjusted playerInstance.resize(); }// namespace for whether or not we are waiting for setTimeout() to finish var isScrollTimeout = false;// window onscroll event handler window.onscroll = function() { // skip if we're waiting on a scroll update timeout to finish if (isScrollTimeout) return; // flag that a new timeout will begin isScrollTimeout = true; // otherwise, call scroll event view handler onScrollViewHandler(); // set new timeout setTimeout(function() { // reset timeout flag to false (no longer waiting) isScrollTimeout = false; }, 80); };});

Treyarch has posted a new Reddit post describing what’s coming to Black Ops 4 soon, including some changes to Black Market.

Here’s the details:

Halloween is almost upon us, and that means it’s time to stalk your enemies as the undead! This week, we’re bringing Infected: Final Stand to MP and Pandemic to Blackout to celebrate the spookiest time of the year. If you didn’t get a chance to play these creepy limited-time modes during Operation Apocalypse Z, check out the Activision Games Blog for all the tips and tricks you’ll need to dominate the living (and the undead).

Zombies 2X Nebulium Plasma + Laboratory Offers Continue

2X Nebulium Plasma continues in Zombies this week along with the Tungsten Tripler and Titanium Treble offers in the Laboratory through 10AM Nov. 1st! Get out there, cook up some Elixirs, and show us how many rounds you can last.

Note: We’re aware of an unintentional change in today’s playlist update that has temporarily removed “Tag der Toten” from the Classic and Rush playlists. We’ll have it back up and running in those modes soon, and you can still play the map in Public or Custom Mutations in the meantime. Thanks for your patience!Our Next Major Game Update Arrives Nov. 5th

Post image

In just one week, we’re dropping our next big update during Operation Dark Divide across all modes, including:

  • New rewards to earn, including the all-new MicroMG 9mm SMG (first on PS4)
  • “An Ice Day in Hell”, our new Gauntlet for “Tag der Toten” in Zombies (first on PS4)
  • Weapon tuning for the AN-94 and Echohawk Dual Bore in Multiplayer
  • Scythe tuning for Reaper in Multiplayer
  • Zombies weapon tuning for the Reaver C86 and other weapon improvements & fixes
  • Several Zombies improvements and bug fixes, including fixes for the outro cutscene error in “Tag der Toten”, unlocking Diamond Camo on the Hellion Salvo, Dying Wish not always activating upon death, and more
  • Create-a-Class fix for Weapon Charms and Death Effects not always staying equipped
  • + more

Watch for next week’s full patch notes to see everything new coming to Black Ops 4 in this update.

Ongoing Black Ops 4 Support

You’ve also been asking about what comes next. Just like with Black Ops III, we’ll be keeping things fresh going forward. Here’s the plan:

  • MULTIPLAYER: We know tons of our players love jumping into Nuketown every chance they get, so we’re making the Nuketown playlist permanent starting Nov. 5th! Each week’s showcased Featured Playlist will also grant 2XP on all platforms, so you’ll be able to rank up twice as fast whenever you’d like going forward. We’re bringing a massive list of 2XP Featured Playlists into rotation, and we’ll also be scheduling plenty of special 2X multiplier events and Quad Feeds throughout the year.
  • BLACKOUT: We’re planning to give players access to more limited-time modes on a frequent basis in our new LTM Moshpits as part of a streamlined playlist interface to keep wait times low between matches. Keep an eye out for more 2X Merit events down the line to help you rise through the Echelons.
  • ZOMBIES: We’ll be adding a huge list of quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes across multiple maps, as well as support for the newest weaponry in the Mystery Box and Armory. We’re also officially making the Titanium Treble offer permanent in the Laboratory to give everyone more ways to redeem their Nebulium Plasma rewards.
  • BLACK MARKET: Shortly after our Nov. 5th update, we’ll be introducing completely new ways to earn Black Market rewards just by playing the game. Stay tuned for a full blog in the coming days with all the intel on what’s changing.

Here’s what’s new today in Featured Playlists:


  • Featured Playlists
    • PS4/Xbox One
      • Infected: Final Stand
      • Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit
      • Arms Race TDM
      • Barebones Moshpit
      • Bolt-Action Barebones Moshpit
    • PC
      • Infected: Final Stand
      • Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit
      • Barebones Moshpit


  • Featured Playlists
    • PS4/Xbox One
      • Pandemic
      • Alcatraz Portal Quads
      • Quads
      • Duos
      • Solo
    • PC
      • Pandemic
      • Alcatraz Portal Quads
      • Duos

SOURCE: Treyarch

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