Modern Warfare Beta setting lets you opt in for Cross Play

// initialize jwplayer var playerInstance = jwplayer('player');// player dom elements var playerContainerEl = document.querySelector('.player-container');// returns video player position from top of document function getElementOffsetTop(el) { var boundingClientRect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var bodyEl = document.body; var docEl = document.documentElement; var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || docEl.scrollTop || bodyEl.scrollTop; var clientTop = docEl.clientTop || bodyEl.clientTop || 0; return Math.round( + scrollTop - clientTop); }// returns the current y scroll position function getScrollTop() { var docEl = document.documentElement; return (window.pageYOffset || docEl.scrollTop) - (docEl.clientTop || 0); }// configure jwplayer instance playerInstance.setup({ autostart: true, playlist: '', primary: 'html5', setFullscreen: true, width: '100%' });// when jwplayer instance is ready playerInstance.on('ready', function() { var config = playerInstance.getConfig(); var utils = playerInstance.utils; // get height of player element var playerHeight = config.containerHeight; // flag determining whether close has been clicked var closed = true; // CHANGED // flag determing whether player is playing var playing = false; // ADDED // eventhandler for when close button is being pressed document.getElementsByClassName('icon-close')[0].addEventListener('click', () => { closed = true; onScrollViewHandler(); }); playerInstance.on('play', function() { closed = false; playing = true; // ADDED }).on('pause', function () { playing = false; // ADDED }).on('adPlay', function() { closed = false; // ADDED playing = true; // ADDED }).on('adPause', function() { playing = false; // ADDED });// get player element position from top of document var playerOffsetTop = getElementOffsetTop(playerContainerEl);// set player container to match height of actual video element = playerHeight + 'px';// below we handle window scroll event without killing performance function onScrollViewHandler() { var minimized = getScrollTop() >= playerOffsetTop;if (closed && minimized) { minimized = false; jwplayer().pause(); playing = false; // ADDED } else if (!minimized && !playing) { closed = true; // ADDED } utils.toggleClass(playerContainerEl, 'player-minimize', minimized); // update the player's size so the controls are adjusted playerInstance.resize(); }// namespace for whether or not we are waiting for setTimeout() to finish var isScrollTimeout = false;// window onscroll event handler window.onscroll = function() { // skip if we're waiting on a scroll update timeout to finish if (isScrollTimeout) return; // flag that a new timeout will begin isScrollTimeout = true; // otherwise, call scroll event view handler onScrollViewHandler(); // set new timeout setTimeout(function() { // reset timeout flag to false (no longer waiting) isScrollTimeout = false; }, 80); };});

The settings of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Beta will let users pick if they want to be part of the Cross Play testing when the Cross Play beta goes live for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

The first weekend of the Modern Warfare Beta is exclusive to PlayStation 4, starting now through September 16 at 10AM PT.

But the second weekend, which kicks off September 19 at 10AM PT, will be available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. And the second weekend will have Cross Play between all the platforms available.

Infinity Ward will be sharing more information on how Cross Play will work in Modern Warfare and the beta ahead of the Sept. 19 start date, but the settings in the PS4 version of Modern Warfare gives us just a brief first info on how the Cross Play beta testing will work.

Players will be allowed two options: enable or disable Cross Play functionality.

  • Disabled: Matchmaking only uses your current gaming platform.
  • Enabled: Allow matchmaking with other gaming platforms.

As noted during the Alpha, Infinity Ward will be using Activision and Call of Duty Profile to match friends across all three platforms. You can add friends using Activision user names, so if you want to participate in the Cross Play testing, ensure that you have linked your PSN, XBL, or account to your Call of Duty profile.

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