Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 September 17 Update – Jungle Flooded and more

// initialize jwplayer var playerInstance = jwplayer('player');// player dom elements var playerContainerEl = document.querySelector('.player-container');// returns video player position from top of document function getElementOffsetTop(el) { var boundingClientRect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var bodyEl = document.body; var docEl = document.documentElement; var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || docEl.scrollTop || bodyEl.scrollTop; var clientTop = docEl.clientTop || bodyEl.clientTop || 0; return Math.round( + scrollTop - clientTop); }// returns the current y scroll position function getScrollTop() { var docEl = document.documentElement; return (window.pageYOffset || docEl.scrollTop) - (docEl.clientTop || 0); }// configure jwplayer instance playerInstance.setup({ autostart: true, playlist: '', primary: 'html5', setFullscreen: true, width: '100%' });// when jwplayer instance is ready playerInstance.on('ready', function() { var config = playerInstance.getConfig(); var utils = playerInstance.utils; // get height of player element var playerHeight = config.containerHeight; // flag determining whether close has been clicked var closed = true; // CHANGED // flag determing whether player is playing var playing = false; // ADDED // eventhandler for when close button is being pressed document.getElementsByClassName('icon-close')[0].addEventListener('click', () => { closed = true; onScrollViewHandler(); }); playerInstance.on('play', function() { closed = false; playing = true; // ADDED }).on('pause', function () { playing = false; // ADDED }).on('adPlay', function() { closed = false; // ADDED playing = true; // ADDED }).on('adPause', function() { playing = false; // ADDED });// get player element position from top of document var playerOffsetTop = getElementOffsetTop(playerContainerEl);// set player container to match height of actual video element = playerHeight + 'px';// below we handle window scroll event without killing performance function onScrollViewHandler() { var minimized = getScrollTop() >= playerOffsetTop;if (closed && minimized) { minimized = false; jwplayer().pause(); playing = false; // ADDED } else if (!minimized && !playing) { closed = true; // ADDED } utils.toggleClass(playerContainerEl, 'player-minimize', minimized); // update the player's size so the controls are adjusted playerInstance.resize(); }// namespace for whether or not we are waiting for setTimeout() to finish var isScrollTimeout = false;// window onscroll event handler window.onscroll = function() { // skip if we're waiting on a scroll update timeout to finish if (isScrollTimeout) return; // flag that a new timeout will begin isScrollTimeout = true; // otherwise, call scroll event view handler onScrollViewHandler(); // set new timeout setTimeout(function() { // reset timeout flag to false (no longer waiting) isScrollTimeout = false; }, 80); };});

Treyarch has released the latest Game Settings Update for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

This new update continues to deliver some additional content for Operation Apocalypse Z in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, including the Jungle Flooded map weather variant to the game.

Here is a quick overview of what this new update includes:

  • Jungle Flooded, alt-weather Multiplayer map on PS4
  • Blackout environment updates for both the main map and Alcatraz
  • The return of Ground War in Blackout
  • Weapon tuning for the Havelina AA50

The next major content drop for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 arrives on Monday, September 23 on PlayStation 4 with the launch of Operation Dark Divide for the game. The new Operation will bring new content to MP, Zombies, and Blackout, including the last Black Ops Pass content drop for the game.


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Operation Dark Divide Launches Sept. 23 on PS4

The sixth Operation of Black Ops 4 arrives Monday on PS4 with Operation Dark Divide, our upcoming superheroes vs. villains-themed season packed with all-new game content and customization gear, as well as our final two Black Ops Pass Multiplayer maps and the conclusion of the Black Ops 4 Zombies Aether story, “Tag der Toten”.

We can’t wait to share all the details in next week’s studio broadcast, where we’ll have world premiere gameplay footage of our upcoming Multiplayer maps, a walkthrough of our insane new Blackout experience, and of course, plenty to cover on the finale of Black Ops 4 Zombies with the dev team… along with a message from some very special guests. Stay tuned for more intel on Monday.

Jungle Flooded Now in Rotation on PS4

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Our final major update of Operation Apocalypse Z is live today, including Jungle Flooded on PS4, environment updates for both the main map and Alcatraz in Blackout, Havelina AA50 weapon tuning, Stockpile’s return to Multiplayer, Ground War in Blackout, and Zombies gameplay improvements.

Jungle Flooded is our new free alt-weather map variant in Black Ops 4. We’re bringing unique gameplay elements to the Black Ops fan-favorite map with this one, including traversable water and an underwater capture point in Domination – and like Contraband Hurricane, additional light weather elements give this map a unique feel without affecting player visibility.

Jungle Flooded is now live in rotation starting today on PS4, and Arsenal Sandstorm has been shifted out of the map selection based on community feedback. Jump into a match and let us know what you think!

Blackout Map Environment Updates

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As we close out the final days of Operation Apocalypse Z, the zombies have started their retreat and the apocalypse has ended in Blackout, bringing daylight back to both the main map and Alcatraz on all platforms. Players can expect new daytime lighting and brightness levels on the main map, and the return of the original afternoon environment in Alcatraz with this update.

Havelina AA50 Weapon Tuning

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Today’s update includes two tuning changes for the Havelina AA50 sniper rifle: we’ve removed aim assist to require more precision for each EKIA, and corrected the damage values for the High Caliber II attachment. We’re also aware of an existing issue with paintjobs not showing up properly on the Havelina AA50, which should be fixed in a future update.

Stockpile and Ground War This Week

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We’re bringing Stockpile to Multiplayer and Ground War back to Blackout this week on all platforms before we kick off Operation Dark Divide. Although we originally planned to bring Pandemic back to Blackout this week, we heard the community’s requests for more Ground War and made the call to swap it in for the last run of this Operation. Squad up and enjoy, and watch for more details soon on our newest limited-time mode in Blackout coming in our next Operation.Zombies Gameplay Improvements

This update delivers new gameplay improvements for Zombies players, including an increased ammo count for the M16 and multiple fixes for Hellhound spawning logic and their visual FX. Note: Today’s update also introduces a known issue that will incorrectly display blood vials on Primis Richtofen’s in-game character model when playing “Alpha Omega”, which is planned to be fixed in a future update along with an issue preventing Diamond Camo for the Hellion Salvo from properly unlocking.

Keep an eye out for more info on Zombies content coming in our next Operation, including the conclusion to the Black Ops 4 Aether story next week on PS4. Speaking of which…“Tag der Toten” Arrives Monday on PS4

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We’re less than a week away from the launch of “Tag der Toten” on PS4, and we can’t wait to get the map into the community’s hands. As mentioned above, we’ll have plenty of details from the team before launch to prepare you for what awaits at the end of the Black Ops 4 Zombies Aether story. Stay tuned later this week for the announcement of Monday’s Operation Dark Divide studio broadcast.

With yesterday’s reveal of the official poster art and some other interesting bits of intel, you might think we’d stay quiet until Monday’s launch. But then, where’s the fun in that…?

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See below for everything new in today’s game update:

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  • Maps
    • Jungle Flooded
      • Alt-weather variant of Jungle now live on PS4 with other platforms to follow.
      • Replaces Arsenal Sandstorm in map rotation in core and hardcore game playlists.
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  • Weapons
    • Havelina AA50
      • Removed aim assist.
      • Corrected damage values for High Caliber II attachment.
  • Featured Playlists (Sept. 17-23)
    • Stockpile
    • Barebones Moshpit
    • Bolt-Action Barebones Moshpit
    • Party Game Moshpit
    • Endurance Chaos Moshpit


  • Map Updates
    • Main Map
      • The apocalypse has ended in Blackout, bringing new daytime lighting and brightness levels to the main map environment.
    • Alcatraz
      • Original daytime map environment returns to Alcatraz.
  • Featured Playlists (Sept. 17-23)
    • Ground War
    • Alcatraz Portals
    • Quads
    • Duos
    • Solo


  • Weapons
    • M16
      • Increased base ammo count.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Addressed an issue that could allow Hellhounds to start pathing before spawning.
      • Addressed a timing issue on Hellhound spawn visual FX.


  • Customization
  • Addressed an issue that could prevent Weapon Charms and Death Effects from staying equipped.
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  • Featured Playlists (Sept. 17-23)
    • Stockpile
    • Endurance Chaos Moshpit
    • Bolt-Action Barebones


  • Featured Playlists (Sept. 17-23)
    • Ground War
    • Alcatraz Portals
    • Solo

SOURCE: Treyarch

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