New “Golden Scalpel” Melee Weapon Found in Blood of the Dead Black Ops 4 Zombies – Guide

Here’s everything you need to know about Blood of the Dead’s latest Easter Egg.

After months of hunting, the Call of Duty Zombies community have finally made some headway on a long sought after Easter egg. The Golden Scalpel, also known as the shank knife, can know be obtained on Blood of the Dead.

Thanks to Youtuber “Glitching Queen” we know what steps are required to unlock this highly powerful melee weapon. First, players must have both the Hell’s Redeemer and Golden Spork. Click here for detailed steps on that.

Next, players must get 100 Golden Spork kills by the bathtub in New Industries. The bathtub can be found in the room adjacent to the room with the trap. It is suggested that players use the new “Ethereal Razor” perk in their modifier slot here as it gives extra melee damage.

Once enough zombies have been killed, their will be a sound queue and the water in the bathtub will turn red. Interacting with the tub using the X (Xbox One) or Square (PS4) button will cause a skeleton hand to pull your Golden Spork into the tub.

The next step is to find three colored rocks around the map and throw your Hell’s Redeemer at them. The green one can be found outside the window in D-Block. The blue rock is by the docks. After shield blasting the generator, a crane holding a net will move into place. Throwing your Hell’s Redeemer at the net will collect this rock. The red rock is outside the Warden’s House in Eagle Plaza. Click the images below from Youtuber “Glitch” for better views.

After you have the three rocks, place them by the three traps around the map. The red rock goes near the blade trap in New Industries, the green rock goes on top of the drain under the acid trap in Cafeteria, and the blue in the doorway of the blade trap in the Warden’s Office. Glitch mentions that he was able to hear the rocks being placed, but not see them, yet it still worked.

After the rocks are placed, you must get 100 kills with each trap. You will know you have finished this step when the rocks turn into smaller gems that can be picked up.

Once all three gems are acquired, take the fast travel from Cafeteria to West Grounds. Before the grate closes, throw the Hell’s Redeemer at the golden nugget shown below.

The nugget will bounce back behind you with an easy to spot reflective surface. Pick it up and bring it to the metal presser in the New Industries building where you build the MagmaGat. Interact with the table and two ghosts will build the Golden Scalpel for you. Interact with it again and the Golden Scalpel is yours!

But wait! It doesn’t seem like this is the end. For a while now, dataminers have found a Golden Sporkknife in the game that looks like a combination of this Scalpel and the the Spork. When this Scalpel is finished, you can actually put it back into the bathtub, yet the next steps are still unknown.

Once again, thanks to Glitching Queen and her team for finding these steps and thanks to Glitch for his quick and easy to follow guides. Check out the whole tutorial below:

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